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22. Writers Block Post #2

Writer's picture: Alex RussellAlex Russell

So University has finished up for the semester and I found myself for this personal post having very little ideas on what to write about. Combine this with working a fair bit over last week/ missing my Sunday deadline I sunk into a little bit of a rut and am now writing my next post quite late.

But after feeling kinda disappointed and sulky about it over yesterday, I suddenly had this memory of sitting in one of my media lectures last year listening to my teacher talk about work ethic and creativity in general. I can’t quote his marvellous wisdom perfectly but for the most part it was about how creativity can come in little bursts and waves, but for the most part it takes effort and work to be of a high standard and to remain that way. It requires your time and attention (something of which my millennial generation lacks a great deal of). But, most of all, it requires patience and resilience in understanding that you might not create what you want to create perfectly the first time or at the fastest pace.

There’s a reason why all best selling books and scripts begin as a first draft and always finish as a third or fourth or twelfth draft. Because they sometimes need editing and a second look from a completely different set of eyes. Although my blog posts aren’t really as elaborate what he said definitely struck a chord. Just because we miss an event or a deadline or a writing piece, we can often find ourselves unsure as to how to get back on top of workloads and organisation. I would definitely say that my sulkiness could have been cut short by working really hard yesterday writing a piece but I think I let the fact that I had broken my rule for the blog let me take on an attitude of “well if I can’t get this done now, may as well not get it done at all”. For the most part this isn’t the best attitude to have and it’s something that I’m going to be more aware of going forward in this project.

For those of you bloggers out there, I take off my hat to you. To be able to come up with new ideas every week or month or however often you post is pretty amazing. On top of that taking or editing photographs/ videos as well as managing all the behind the scenes parts of your blogs takes a lot of thought and effort. And hard work at that. So thank you for providing me some inspiring online reading material.

Time to get back on track xx


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